[Explained] How to Find Content And Topics For Your Blog!

“At first, I was getting ideas for articles all the time, but I’m running out of content and don’t know what’s coming up next?” Here are the majority of the remedies for such issues; read the entire text to open your thinking.

It may be claimed that there is a blog where blog owners nearly always encounter the phenomena of gradually running out of material, even if things are going well shortly after starting a blog.But since we still have to write blogs, a lot of individuals might have problems getting content every day.

So this time, We will introduce how to find the material to be blogged. If you search for the cause of the material shortage, prepare the base for writing a blog, and then start searching for the material, you should be able to find the material without having to hold your head.

Preparation is very important for blogging. Therefore, if you start writing a blog in the following situations, you will easily run out of material.

There are two types of blogs: “blogs for monetization” and “Hobby blogs”. Blogs for monetization are basically problem-solving media related to “a certain niche” with monetized campaigns. Also, if you lack knowledge about the topic in the first place, it will be difficult to output as a blog.

Furthermore, as is often the case with beginners, there are times when you crush your own material with the prejudice that “it must be an interesting material” and “no one wants to know this.” In other words, before starting to write a blog, first set the target and increase the amount of knowledge about the niche. When you are ready for these things, it is recommended that you throw away the question “Is this topic okay?”

How to find Material for blog articles

  • Search by Keywords
  • Search from competitive research
  • Search from the troubles of the set persona
  • Search by your own experience and strengths
  • Search from recent news
  • Search from Social Media

There are many ways to find blog material. For example, when you are watching Social Media or news, if you think about blogging a little in your daily life, it will be easier to find the material for your blog.

Search by keywords

In the case of a blog aimed at monetization, it is necessary to aim for high ranking in the results of search engines such as Google in order to attract people (readers) to the blog. The key to this is the “SEO keyword.” For example, if you’re worried about running out of blog material, type a keyword in the search window to find a solution, like “Blog material running out solution”. This “solution for running out of blog material” is exactly the SEO keyword.

It’s better if this keyword is closely related to the blog niche. This is because readers who visit blogs are looking for solutions to their problems, and the solutions offered by highly specialized people are more reliable. if blogs are more reliable than blogs that have articles from multiple genres such as camping, baseball, and cooking.

Online Tools For Keywords Research

When looking for SEO keywords, it’s useful to use tools like the ones below.

All are online tools that can be used for free, and if you enter blog and search, keywords related to “Keyword Research” will be listed and displayed. If you are a keyword planner, you can also know the volume searched in a month, so it will be easy to judge whether it is easy to aim for high or low demand for keywords and high-ranking display.

Search from competing research

You may also get some tips by researching popular competing sites that run blogs in the same genre. Through in-depth research, you may find material that your competitors haven’t dealt with yet, or you may find material that you can write in more detail in this niche.

However, only the material is referenced from competing sites. If you copy the contents without permission, you may be penalized according to Google’s guidelines . In the worst case, there is a risk that you will not be able to operate the blog, so you need to devise ways to differentiate yourself from competing sites by changing the perspective while referring to the material and adding the latest information.

Search from the troubles of the set persona

It is also a recommended way to search for material by specifically imagining and setting people who will come to read your blog. For example, if your niche of the blog is “How to start blog“, the expected reader (persona) can be set to “People who have just started blog management”.

After setting the persona, think about what information (= worries) the persona wants to know. Then, you should be able to come up with stories such as “how to generate revenue from blogs”, “how to write blogs”, and “what is SEO?”.

Search by your own experience and strengths

Depending on the genre of the blog, you can also use what you actually experienced, such as “diet method”, “childcare is available”, and “how to start a side job for office workers”. You may be wondering, “Can I write this on my blog?”, But the needs are up to the reader. Surprisingly, some people have the same problems as themselves in the past and are looking for solutions, so it is important to write them first without deciding that there is no need.

At that time, if you try to set the persona to yourself in the past, it may be easy to come up with a story as “what you wanted to know at that time”. Since it was an actual experience, it is a recommended way to search for material because it is difficult to cover the content with competing sites.

Search from recent news

If you run a miscellaneous blog or a trend information blog, it is also an effective way to write your own opinion based on the latest news. You can pick up the news that you are interested in from the various news that is reported daily. The news ranking is like a list of news items, so you don’t have to run out of news stories or have trouble searching for news stories.

However, be careful when quoting from other sites such as news sites. According to the Agency for Cultural Affairs, the following requirements must be met when quoting the contents of other sites.

Search on Social Media

Like news, Social Media is a great tool for finding material. What the followers are wondering about and what is being actively discussed on social media is evidence of user demand. It can be expected that many people are searching for the field or topic with a search engine.

Furthermore, if the field is your specialty or specialty, it is best to write an article. Depending on whether it is compatible with the genre of the blog, you can write articles that will answer your questions. If you announce the update of the article on Social Media, you can expect it to spread to many people who are interested in the field.

Bonus Tips:

It is easy for beginners to face no content, but if you are aware of the following tips, you will be more likely to avoid running out of material.

write great contents with ideas
write great contents with ideas
  • Start a blog in a topic that is easy for you to write
  • Derived from one article
  • Make a storybook
  • Check for others article structure and headings
  • Research on Social Media about your content topic.

First of all, from the genre setting. Affiliates have so-called easy-to-earn niche, but be aware that if you start working on a genre that you don’t have the knowledge about, you will run out of material quickly. It is also an effective way to horizontally expand the content that could not be included in the article once you wrote one article. After that, if you live your life consciously of searching for material and make a material book to write down the material you came up with, you will not run out of material unless there is a great deal of trouble.


If you pay attention to it a little while you are living your daily life, you will find that the material for blogging is everywhere. For example, when searching on the Internet, you may see competing sites. You can also get hints on the material in such cases. Also, even when I’m staring at Social Media, I often find something that I can write with a little consciousness of “searching for material”.

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