How to Write High Quality Content Using SEO Writing

SEO writing is an important skill in web writing. For example, if you take SEO strategies for articles on blogs and web media, they will be displayed at the top of the search results and lead to an increase in the number of accesses.

However, even if you actually want to practice SEO writing, you may have a problem that “how to write seo friendly content, I’m already aware of it, but it doesn’t appear in the top of the search”.

Therefore, in this article, we have summarized information that can be put to practical use, such as points to be aware of and points to note in SEO writing, Even if you don’t understand what SEO writing is, we have introduced the minimum consciousness of SEO writing, so please refer to it.

What is SEO writing?

SEO writing refers to how to write articles with SEO in mind. When the accuracy of the search algorithm was not so high, articles containing a lot of keywords were sometimes displayed at the top, but now we need to create higher quality content .

The following two are important for SEO writing:

User-friendly text

Write for Humans. Writing sentences that are easy for the user to understand leads to higher display. It is important in SEO writing to convey the content that meets the user ‘s needs in simple sentences .

Easy-to-understand sentences for search engines

Search engine algorithms read the source code of an article to determine its content and determine its display order. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the structure of the website and how to use tags , and write sentences that are easy for search engines to understand.

Basics of SEO writing

Here ‘s the basics of SEO writing as a way to write sentences that are easy for users and search engines to understand.

Be aware of users and search keywords

Google ‘s search engine puts sites that better meet your needs at the top of your search results . In other words , the most important thing in SEO writing is to write sentences that are conscious of users and search keywords.

Google ‘s criteria for determining whether a site is useful to users are expected to continue to fluctuate irregularly. However, according to Google ‘s “10 Facts” on its official website, it’s likely that the user -focused policy will remain the same.

Therefore, when writing, it is necessary to aim for easy-to-read sentences that are useful to the user while being aware of the search keywords.

Even if you put a lot of keywords in the article, if it is not useful for the user , it will not be ranked high and will not be read. It is important to create content that includes search keywords while controlling user needs.

Careful research and composition

Once you have decided on the keywords for the article you are writing, do some research and create an article structure before you start writing.

The reason is that if you start writing without creating an article structure, you will lose your direction . Complete the headline of the skeleton article first, and then flesh out the text so that you don’t end up with an article that you don’t know what you want to convey.

Once you’ve created an SEO -conscious composition, all you have to do is write according to that composition.

Put keywords in the title

Place the keyword you want to appear at the top of the search before the title . We recommend 25 to 32 characters for the title, which will be displayed in full in the search results.

Putting keywords in front of the title makes the content of the article easier for both search engines and users.

However, Inadvertently inserting keywords is considered spam and you run the risk of being penalized. Therefore, try to include keywords in the title in a natural way as a sentence.

Put keywords in the description

A description is a sentence that is displayed in the search results together with the title. Many users read the title and description to determine if it is useful information for them.

In addition, the search engine side also reads this description and analyzes the rough content of the article. Therefore, make careful to include keywords in the description and craft a succinct statement that clarifies the article’s topic.

Put keywords and co-occurrence words in the text

It is important to include keywords in the body of the article. In particular, the area directly under the headline is very important , so by entering related keywords, it will be easier for the search engine to recognize what the text is, and the user ‘s understanding of the text will deepen.

In addition, including the co-occurrence words of keywords in the text is also a point to aim for higher display. keywords that are often connected with a single term are known as co-occurrence words.

Proper use of keywords and co-occurrence words will make your content highly rated by Google .

Use of Bullet Points and Tables

Aim for articles that are easy for users to read, even with multiple items, while making good use of bullet points and tables. Items that are important or that you want to compare can be organized in bullet points or tables to help attract the user ‘s attention.

Articles that contain a moderate amount of bullet points and tables are more likely to be ranked higher than articles that are difficult to read and are written solely in text.

Adding tables and “structured data (Rich data)” also helps to make the text easier to understand.

Tables and illustrations are especially useful for communicating abstract content such as procedures and calculation methods for doing something, it will also function as an eye catcher that attracts the user ‘s attention . Incorporate not only sentences but also visual expressions such as tables, figures, and rich media.

Let’s be aware of important E-E-A-T with SEO writing

“E-E-A-T” is an abbreviation that stands for three items that are emphasized by Google ‘s search engine. SEO Writing with EEAT in mind will increase your chances of being evaluated by search engines.

The meaning of each item and what you should be aware of in SEO writing are as follows.

1. Experience

Google announced extra E for Experience in December 2022, under this, authors will now be able to write their content with first hand experience. Readers will get to read this tested and tested content which will be as per Google’s quality guidelines.

2. Expertise

Expertise is a rating given to sites that provide particular information.

For example, if it is a job-related site, it is possible to increase the specialty by specializing in “Job information in the medical industry” or “Job information in the IT industry”. 

In addition, if it is a site that introduces gifts, you can enhance your specialty by narrowing down the genres such as “gifts for wedding gifts” and “gifts for Respect for the Aged Day”.

3. Authoritativeness

Authoritativeness” is an item related to the sender of information, such as the author or supervisor of an article. In general, content written and supervised by qualified personnel related to the content of an article is evaluated as highly authoritative.

For example, when it comes to medical information, content written and supervised by doctors is more authoritative than articles written by unqualified individuals.

4. Trustworthiness

*Trustworthiness* is an item that indicates whether the content of the page or the operator can be trusted by the user .

For example, in the case of a site that introduces reviews of electrical appliances, the information that the site operator purchases the product and introduces with photos and videos is more reliable than the word-of- mouth information written anonymously.

In addition, on legal sites, it is possible to increase credibility by displaying the real names of qualified persons involved in writing and supervision.

Clearly stating the information of the site operator also leads to improvement of reliability.

3 things to keep in mind when doing SEO writing

In addition to the above points to be aware of, SEO writing may be taboo . Here are three things to keep in mind when doing SEO writing.

1. Watch out for typographical errors

Not only is typographical errors offensive to users, but they are also judged by search engines to be difficult to read. It’s the basics of writing, but be sure to get in the habit of checking for typographical errors after writing an article.

2. Copying and pasting is completely disallowed

From a lot of information, I often do research and write articles. However, copying and pasting without permission from other sites not only lowers the evaluation from the SEO point of view, but also leads to the risk of being sued for copyright infringement.

Try to generate the original text using your own words.

3. Don’t overuse jargon

Depending on the keywords, you may incorporate technical terminology, but it is standard practise to make sentences that anybody can comprehend by minimising the use of technical jargon.

However, although it should be written in a concise and easy-to-understand manner for general users , more specialized content will be appreciated by users who already have specialized knowledge . It is important to imagine the image of the user who can read it , clarify the content of the sentence, and then flexibly respond to the choice of words.

How to Creating high-quality content

In SEO writing, it’s important for users and search engines to recognize it as good content. it is necessary not only to be aware of the keywords but also to make it easier for users to read.

If you have too many keywords or the text looks unnatural, you won’t get high marks from Google. so thanks for now hope you learned and understand “how to write quality content with seo writing” comment if you still have any questions related the article.

Also Read: The 8 Most Important HTML Tags for Content Structure in SEO

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