Internet Marketing Strategies that Work in Today’s World

Internet marketing strategies can increase your customer base, drive more people to your website, and reinforce the branding of your products and services. Many people like to chase new tactics that they think will increase traffic. But the basics of Internet marketing strategies are rooted in great content on your website and off-site.

Ranking Edge is an internet marketing and content based search engine optimization firm built to bring customers to your website. We provide a multitude of services so you can spend more time concentrating on your industry and less time with tedious marketing applications. Our internet marketing strategies and SEO have taken websites with no ranking to the number one position in search engine ranking results.

Internet Marketing Strategies

Keyword Research

The entire content based SEO solution depends on keyword research. Ranking Edge will take into account the keywords that each page on your website targets, or should target. We will do extensive research on your website and see what keywords people are using to reach your site…or your competition’s site.

Article Marketing

The base of relevant content building revolves around well written articles. Great articles and content attract attention, naturally provide inbound links, and trustworthy referrals. How these articles are written and where they are placed make a huge difference in search engine ranking results. Article directories have lost favor with search engines. We research carefully the best place to post articles for each individual client that we work with.

Press Releases

Press Releases are an effective search engine optimization marketing tool. A press release not only gets your up-to-date news out to the World Wide Web but it builds your link status with search engines. Distributing press releases online helps to create a buzz about your business and increases your visibility online.

Social Media

A significant social media presence is a key factor in Internet marketing strategies. While traditional advertising is on the decline, social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are on a fast uphill climb. They have quickly become a necessity for any SEO strategy worth its salt.

Web 2.0 Page Creation

Web 2.0 pages have released the web from a handful of large corporations to individuals and small businesses. The Web 2.0 philosophy has opened up the Internet by letting users become more active contributors and by giving consumers more access to information.

Blog Creation | Posting | Comments

Blogs are very significant internet tools for building traffic and back links. This is an important factor for determining a website’s ranking by search engines like Google. Having an informative blog, with valuable information makes you the authority and will bring more traffic to your website.

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