SEO Strategy 2024: 4 Ways to Make Technical SEO a Top Priority

Do you have a long-term technical SEO strategy? The following four points are highly pertinent beyond 2022:

  • Multimedia first
  • Speed-oriented security
  • SEO Specialism
  • Borderless and international SEO

The reasons why multimedia should be improved utilising various expressions such as photos, movies, and sounds will be discussed in this first section.

In retrospect, the year 2021 was remarkable because of two updates:

  1. Core update
  2. SEO changes to improve page quality for users

In the future, SERP is expected to become even more diversified, driven by the evolution of Google’s algorithms and new features such as Google Lens. These developments will change current and future SEO measures.

Multimedia First

As you already know “Google’s search algorithm – MUM”

The latest search algorithm ”MUM” announced by Google helps to understand information in a new way that has never been seen before. It works the same as the current natural language processing model ” BERT “, but is actually much more powerful than BERT.

MUM is an abbreviation of “Multitask Unified Model”, which not only processes more than 75 natural languages ​​(the number of supported languages ​​continues to increase), but also can process images with the same quality as text, and is close. In the future, the processing capacity of video and audio will also improve. In other words, the impact is likely to appear in SERPs, especially in the direction of algorithm updates.

This shift in focus is a natural part of a mobile-first digital experience. Mobile-first digital experiences use a dynamic combination of “inputs,” “outputs,” and “tools” (often used at the same time) when users interact with content.

Google is increasing its ability to process information and is working towards ranking non-text media such as images and videos. This means that SEO personnel need to think about multimedia content from a new perspective.

As a result, over the last year or so , major events such as Google I / O and SearchOn have focused on improvements and new uses for Google Lens. The success or failure of a plan to enter the health sector will depend largely on the ability to improve visual search capabilities.

In 2021, Google added Google Lens to the following two:

  • Search widget for Android smartphone “Pixel”
  • Search bar for mobile Chrome browser

How does Google Lens affect image SEO?

Standard image optimization elements continue to be important and appropriate for search engines to understand images:

  • Alt text
  • Structured markup
  • file name
  • Image title
  • file size

Based on that, factors such as composition will also attract attention. This means that SEO professionals need to think more strategically about how images look and how they render on the site.

Page Speed with Security

Both are established search ranking determinants. With the strong push for Core Web Vitals (CWV) in 2021, many have come to realize that the two factors are inextricably linked.

Google will prioritize the security of each product and search service over the next year . Chrome promises enhanced security and privacy tools,

  • iframe
  • Cross-site navigation

With updates such as security features in, it plans to increase checks when users move between links or use specific features.

How to Improve Technical SEO

As such, sites with the highest levels of security may gain a competitive advantage over the next year by:

  1. Speed
  2. Page experience
  3. conversion

In addition to these trends, major tech companies such as Facebook and Google are enthusiastically adopting high-speed HTTP / 3, so tech companies that are dragging the past will keep up with the expectations of users and bots. It is expected to struggle with.

The latest HTTP protocol, HTTP / 3, increased its usage by a factor of five across the Web in 2021 and is now used by about 25% of domain names. This protocol has been introduced by many major cloud providers such as Cloudflare, but it is not yet standard.

Those who want to take full advantage of it may need to update or enable the main server or CDN. And if you’re looking for a new partner for your CDN or server over the next year, this should be the deciding factor.

Google’s Channel Diversity

Google continues to allow users to navigate smoothly from search results to specialized channels and apps. In the process, it seeks to enhance SEO expertise by creating more dynamic and niche SERPs.

From a user experience perspective, this creates a rich mobile-ready SERP that directs users directly to sophisticated apps such as Google Maps and specialized channels such as Google Travel.

In addition, Google will access the information that users need and combine technical optimisation that information in a way that is as contextual as possible. Google can get more information from its own services based on the registration data. Therefore, for Google, it is essential to strengthen existing channels and link data in order to achieve the purpose of “providing more detailed search results than ever before.”

This trend has been around for a long time, targeting transactional industries such as shopping and hotels. But Google is working on multi-modality. Therefore, this tendency is likely to be more common in queries other than transactional queries. This means that SEO efforts must optimize profiles and performance for each of the most relevant channels in order to maximize visibility in SERP.

In this service, Google will use the following data and content technical seo factors to display information when the user needs it:

  • Web – Website
  • Google Business Profile
  • Google Map
  • Google Merchant Center

In short, with the evolution of multimodal search, it is essential to form a versatile SEO team to achieve the best performance.

Borderless and international SEO Strategy

There are three major platform of international (multi-regional) SEO over the next year:

  • The rise of borderless e-commerce
  • Maturity of translation tools using AI
  • Release of MUM

Let’s take a closer look at borderless e-commerce.

Borderless e-commerce

The physical store business still has two major impacts:

  • Local SEO
  • Local pack SERP

But with the acceleration of digital, our digital experience has changed dramatically. The physical location, currency, and time zone relevance of the business has changed,

Major Marketplace

In order to expand their business internationally, they will often consider selling in major marketplaces. For example, the following services:

  • Amazon
  • Flipkart
  • Myntra
  • eBay


As MUM matures, more types of content will emerge from all over the web. But for everyone, the following two things determine the game:

  • Speed
  • Improved security
  • Marketplace

If the SERP function becomes more multi-layered, the importance of SEO can be proved. Building a borderless customer base also helps to increase brand resilience in a changing market. Some of the changes we’re likely to see are big, but they should lead SEO in the positive direction.

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