Top 10 things to explore in Olympic National Park, Washington

Thick Brush Stroke

Hike the Hoh Rain Forest Trail and marvel at the moss-covered trees

Thick Brush Stroke

Kayak on Lake Crescent and enjoy the clear blue water

Thick Brush Stroke

Camp at Kalaloch Beach and watch the sunset over the Pacific Ocean

Thick Brush Stroke

Visit the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center and see the panoramic views of the mountains

Thick Brush Stroke

Explore the tide pools at Ruby Beach and look for starfish and sea anemones

Thick Brush Stroke

Drive along the Sol Duc River and stop at the Sol Duc Falls

Thick Brush Stroke

Spot wildlife like elk, deer, bears, and eagles in the park

Thick Brush Stroke

Learn about the history and culture of the Native American tribes at the Makah Museum

Thick Brush Stroke

Climb to the summit of Mount Olympus and experience the glaciers

Thick Brush Stroke

Relax in the hot springs at Olympic Hot Springs or Sol Duc Hot Springs